The stock market is sick edition

Well, it’s been an interesting few days on the investing front. This month our family net worth is down about seven million yen from the start of February.

As we discussed in last week’s post, this is not a problem.

How are you doing?

This week’s links

  1. We are very wealthy indeed: Who is wealthy?
  2. Air BnB’s seeming inability to deal with this kind of thing is a concern: I stumbled across a huge Airbnb scam that’s taking over London
  3. Time to up the saving rate: Event Horizon: The Safe Withdrawal Rate, Annuities and the Brutal Reality of Low Interest Rates
  4. Have considered doing this (once we stop working, that is): Japan needs foster care rather than institutions: UK experts
  5. I try to avoid both: The two biggest mistakes investors make: emotions and high fees
  6. My least favourite thing about health care in Japan -hospitals turning patients away when it suits them: Hospitals in Japan refusing to test many who suspect they have COVID-19
  7. So it should have been called the Kansas flu? Fear and Influenza: How Viruses Spread
  8. Seems a bit complicated: The Dragon Portfolio: How to Preserve and Grow Your Wealth for the Next Century
  9. This was a huge mistake -first patient in Tohoku is from the ship: Coronavirus infections keep mounting after cruise ship fiasco in Japan
  10. Good stuff: Stock Sell-offs, Pandemics, And A Black Swan
  11. I can’t even imagine: One day he was teaching English in Japan, and the next day, he was blind
  12. Read this before freaking out: Don’t lose it
  13. My wife’s school has two of these. Drat. WHY YOU CAN’T SELL YOUR BUSINESS
  14. These are great: how many do you know? 100 little ideas
  15. These bookshops look amazing: China’s Bookstores Band Together To Survive the Epidemic
  16. Hope they figure out something for small businesses too: Gov’t to create fund to subsidize parents during school closure: report
  17. Interesting. Great clip too: A Short History of Advertising
  18. I need to listen to this in the car: Anger Management: 8 Strategies Backed By Two Thousand Years of Practice
  19. A virus of the mind? The Coronavirus Is Much Worse Than You Think

What do you think? Anything good in there? For me there was one clear winner: number eleven.

Have a good week!

4 Responses

  1. #4 – After my experiences over the last year I think there are far more couples in Japan considering adoption and/or fostering than people think. But still not enough though.

    My wife and I have just finished the prefectural training and paperwork etc. to adopt/foster. It took about a year altogether and registration should be finalized in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.

    1. That is fantastic. Would love to hear more. Any chance of a guest post about the system/your experience with the training, etc.?