Rain, rain, go away.

Seems there is another typhoon on the way (Typhoon #16). Hopefully it will fizzle out and be less destructive than the last one.

As we head towards the final quarter of 2019, I find it useful to sit down with my wife and take stock: how are we doing with our financial goals? Do we need to make any changes? What might happen over the next few years? Where do we want to end up.

I find our answers have changed quite a bit over the last decade or so, but it is still very useful to have the conversation. How about you? Are you on track?

Here are this week’s links

  1. Interesting video about conditions in Japan: Will A Japanese Banking Crisis Lead to Global Recession?
  2. Blast from the past: the RetireJapan Personal Finance for Beginners Series
  3. Fortunately this has never really bothered me: My biggest FI demon – status anxiety
  4. Japan has a very generous parental leave system. On paper. Two Men in Japan Dared to Take Paternity Leave. It Cost Them Dearly, They Say.
  5. Naval’s how to get rich without getting lucky Twitter thread.
  6. Really interesting read: What Statistics Can and Can’t Tell Us About Ourselves
  7. Incredible numbers: Ahead of Respect for the Aged Day, number of centenarians in Japan tops 70,000
  8. This makes sense to me: Debunking the Silly “Passive is a Bubble” Myth
  9. This site is a good way to look at how different portfolio allocations work: myINDEX. Also has a good email newsletter.
  10. This post rings quite true in my opinion: What I’ve Learned About Japanese Customs
  11. Pretty brutal. I think I would need at least 2-3 million yen a year, assuming a paid-off dwelling: People living on ¥1 mil a year: How do they manage?
  12. I really enjoy the rants on NoMercy/NoMalice: Search Your Feelings
  13. My flywheel is not turning very quickly yet: The flywheel of wealth (and the importance of patience)
  14. Interesting. I have half a dozen dormant accounts, so would have to close them if this happens: Free bank accounts may become a thing of the past in Japan

This week’s forum threads

  1. Saving and Investing Plan Confusion – How Much is Enough?
  2. Ray Dalio’s All Weather Portfolio (vs. slowly investing a chunk of money)
  3. My experience switching iDeco plans
  4. UK buy to let mortgages
  5. First results are in for our solar panels!
  6. Is fire insurance premium tax deductible?
  7. Karakikan for a permanent resident
  8. Staying in Japan for the rest of your life
  9. Home Loan on Spouse Visa
  10. Banks that allow alias
  11. Applying for a credit card
  12. Home buying, should I buy now?
  13. How much will it cost to rewire a house?
  14. Opinions on my investment portfolio
  15. What is the best local app/site for property home and searching

This week’s books

No new books this week. Need to finish reading the current ones!