Technical Problems Edition

Apologies to anyone who has tried to use the forum over the last few days. We seem to be having technical problems (forum software is out of date and I am too stupid to update it myself -currently looking for someone to help me with it). Hope to have it back to normal sometime soon.

No blog post this week either. Will try to do better going forward!

Here are this week’s links

  1. I’d be happy to see the net, personally: Why Things Break: Easy Causes of Business and Investing Failure
  2. Enjoyed chatting to Ziv on this podcast: Planning for Retirement in Japan
  3. Not in Sendai: July on course to be hottest month ever, say climate scientists
  4. The Retire at 45 guy’s lifestyle seems a bit… passive for my liking: アーリーリタイアすると毎日どんな生活をしているか?:9ヶ月目
  5. Great article about housing that the Japan Times refused to run: Yen for Living: Houses As (non-)Assets
  6. I usually skip breakfast, might try this more extreme version sometime: One Meal Per Day
  7. Enjoyed this Dilbert: Job has no meaning

What do you think? I think the clear winner this time is that Brasor article on housing. Wonder why the JT rejected it? Guess the new management didn’t want to run anything negative about the government before the elections…

No forum threads this week as the forum is down.

I’m still reading Stranger in a Strange Land. I’m guessing Heinlein was taking drugs when he wrote it 😉

2 Responses

  1. The Brasors have been providing valuable information apart from the JT for many years. We first found their site when we were looking to buy. From what I’ve read, the JT’s new owners have taken a different editorial tack, and now I do see fewer editorials of a left-wing, anti-government slant. I can see why this article might not be accepted in JT, since for the average family, it undercuts the whole idea of buying a house here.