The end of the year, the start of the new one. They are just normal days like any other but we imbue them with meaning.
In Japan the whole country shuts down from December 29th to January 3rd. People go home, spend time with family, do big cleans, and think about the future.
I don’t make new year’s resolutions, but since 2013 I have made an annual plan at the end of the year and reviewed it in late December.

I’m still working on my plan for next year, but one thing I am focusing on is making it simpler. Most years my plan would be 4-5 pages long, but I would find that I only accomplished 30-50% of my goals.
This year I will have fewer goals, which will hopefully make me select the more important ones. It’s a bit like that Warren Buffett story where he tells his pilot to make a list of all the things he wants to do, then cross out everything but the top three.
I also have a five year plan and a ten year plan that I refer to when doing this exercise.
(the ten year plan used to be a 25-year one, but this year I realized that would take me into my seventies so I no longer plan that far out…)
Do you have a plan for the future? I find it is much easier to do things and get closer to where I want to be with a plan, and making them has really improved my life over the last decade.
Doesn’t have to take very long, either. I probably spend an hour or two on this in December each year.

Happy new year! I hope 2024 brings you health, wealth, and happiness.
RetireJapan is here to help with the wealth bit.
Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. We have made incredible progress this year, and it is largely down to your help and support.
No video this week, but we’ll be back on January 5th. If you are bored over the holidays, please go and watch some of our videos 😉
The Forum
The Forum is doing well (31,882 posts so far). The forum rules are here. In essense, they are:
- Be nice
- Ask any question you like
- Only answer questions when you have relevant knowledge or experience
Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books

I started Ali Abdaal’s book this week, Feel Good Productivity. Very interesting so far. Might be one of those ‘finish at the in-laws’ place over new years’ books…
This week’s links
- I am not quite with Derek on this one: still enjoy trying new places 🙂 Takenoya
- Slow welcome progress: Britain likely to generate more electricity from wind, solar and hydro than fossil fuels for the first year ever in 2023
- Interesting and indeed optimistic: Japan Megatrends
- The new Electronic Record Retention Law starts January 2024, some details here: Guide to Corporate Tax in Japan
- Love this idea. Would anyone be interested in joining a RetireJapan walk and talk? If so, sign up here for more info and to be notified if we get anything going.
- This case in on the news a lot so might be worth revisiting this detailed explanation. Completely disgusting and I hope it results in changes: Prosecutor implies false accusation is just part of the job
- Love it: The Biggest Risk in 2024
- I found this video really inspiring. She’s going to be so successful (YouTube): How This 13 Year Old Girl Became a CEO in Japan
- I would love to see safety focused, proactive traffic policing here, but this is a good step in the right direction I guess (as someone who cycles almost every day and is exasperated by dangerous cyclists): Police panel proposes fines up to ¥12,000 for cycling violations
- This is kind of morbid. Useful though I guess: How Power Companies Can Save an Aging Japan
- Apple’s market cap is the same as Japan??? The Stock Market is Our Mona Lisa
- What a depressing read: The Fourth Big Force: Climate Change
- Completely off topic but fascinating: The Disturbing Impact of the Cyberattack at the British Library
What do you think? Anything interesting in there?
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Check out the RetireJapan website for more information, the Forum for discussions about personal finance and investing in Japan, and our coaching page if you need more help.
Please keep to the finance stuff. That’s why we’re here. No one comes for life coaching or bookmarks. Or advertising. Probably a few do. But, yeah.
I guess you’re new here? Otherwise you’d know that we don’t tolerate rudeness in our community. Not just the forum, but also here on the blog and social media 🙂
I for one appreciate the non finance information
Excellent read as ever Ben hope you have a great end of year holiday and look forward to your articles next year
I’m always interested to hear Ben’s take on the bigger picture. There is no “just finance”.
Annual plan? 5 years, 10 or 25? And 4-5 pages long? If it qualifies, mine has always been kind of now and then–and on the back of an envelope or scrap of paper.
Different paths to the top of the hill?
Cheers again Ben, and a happy new year to all!
I too appreciate the non financial stuff. Not all of it interests me but if it doesn’t interest you – don’t read it. Skip it. Pretty simple really.
Just be nice and try to stay positive. Get what you can out of this AWESOME resource that we have here.
Hoping for a bright 2024 for all 🙂
Happy New Year! Thanks for all you do, Ben, may you and yours have a good one.
Happy New Year all. I look forward to RetireJapan dropping in my inbox every single time. I love the investment forum, where I only lurk. Retire Japan finance course gave me the confidence to take my investments out of the hands of someone who was charging me (too much). My retirement funds are now in my hands. Solid and giving me all their growth.
An excellent community. Don’t know who that dork at the top comment might be.
Happy New Year 🥳 to all. I agree with all but one of the above…I like the variety of articles that Ben shares with us each Monday. Financial and non-financial alike. When I see links that don’t interest me, I simply skip them, it’s quite easy. Some weeks there are some articles about “life” that really get me thinking about my own situation. Much appreciated, please 🙏 keep up the good work Ben.