It is almost December! Unbelievable.
I’m really looking forward to my annual review this year (been doing annual plans and reviews since 2013) and next year’s plan.
Hope you are doing well too!
RetireJapan TV
Last Monday we finally launched our secret livestream project: RetireJapan TV. We didn’t tell anyone because we weren’t sure if it was going to work, if we were going to have anything to say, or if we were going to have technical issues.
In the end, it worked really well, we had… too much to say, and there were no issues at all 🙂
We even had three people watching live.
You can check out the first episode here, and the next one will be on December 26th at 20:00 on the RetireJapan YouTube channel if you want to join us live. If not, you can watch the video later, or…
RetireJapan TV podcast
Waste not, want not.
The livestream actually turned out quite well, so we ripped the audio and made it into a podcast! We’ll continue updating it going forward. Click on the images below to go to your favourite podcast provider 🙂

Google podcasts coming soon, but they are taking much longer than the other providers to register us.
Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. I made some YouTube shorts (basically YouTube ripping TikTok off) but they are not very good so I am not going to link to them from here. You can find them on the RetireJapan channel if you are interested!
I also made a simple screencast looking at the main menu in Rakuten Securities. Is this kind of content useful?
My latest Typeshare post is here: Spend money now or spend money later?
The Forum
The Forum is doing well (24,603 posts so far). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books
I started rereading Zodiac, by Neal Stephenson. I don’t really remember much about it, so looking forward to it. I was missing a good novel after all the self-improvement books I’ve been reading recently.
This week’s links
- What is good for the Buffett… Buffett’s Berkshire boosts stakes in Japan’s five biggest trading houses
- I’m taking this course at the moment and this is a pretty good review/explanation (YouTube): Part Time Youtuber Academy Review [Is it Worth it + Key Learnings & Results]
- Good question: Is Japan’s Inflation Really At a 40-Year High?
- More maglev woes: Make Mine Maglev 4
- Smart Money Asia has thoughts: Investment Update: Recession Fears, Japan Stocks, Crypto Crash
- Links within links: J- Links of Interest
- Sadly not too many details, but NISA changes are getting closer to being announced (I for one want to see a single NISA account with a 1m+ contribution and no time limit): NISA Reform Announced: to infinity and beyond!
What do you think? Anything interesting in there?
The Monday Read, going out to more than 2,760 subscribers each week. Please share this post/email with friends/colleagues who may be interested in it.
If you were forwarded the email you can sign up to the list here.
I think I will start an annual budgeting review this year.
I will download all that data from Moneytree and see what we are truly spending our money on net of investment, savings.
*We carefully chart investments, just not spending.
Any tips?
The screencast of the Rakuten menu looks very useful thanks Ben.