My granddaughter is going on her (delayed) overnight field trip today, so of course it was cold and raining when I dropped her off at school at 6:45 this morning.
Feels like winter in the UK, not something I enjoy!
Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. I started the Part-time YouTuber Academy course, so managed to make a video this week 🙂
Please subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already! Here’s the video: Can you actually get decent coffee in Japan?
RetireJapan Colour Scheme
We’re working on a new colour scheme for RetireJapan. If you have a preference, please comment on this post (or vote on Twitter or Facebook).

#1: Yellow on red.
#2: Blue on orange.
#3: Bone on red.
#4: Yellow on green.
#5: Yellow on black.
I finished the Ship 30 for 30 online writing course, but will continue writing on Typeshare (the plan right now is to write something each Thursday). You can check those out here if you miss them on Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, or Facebook 😉
The Forum
The Forum is doing well (24,498 posts so far). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books
I’ve gone back to Four Thousand Weeks, by Oliver Burkeman. I’m really enjoying it. Lots to think about. Not sure why I stopped reading it first time round, but it is pretty perfect for me right now.
I also started reading Key Person of Influence, by Daniel Priestly. It’s kind of interesting so far.
This week’s links
- I have so much respect for Mr Beast. This is incredible. I also have no desire to do anything like this! (YouTube) We spent 24 hours with MrBeast
- I don’t really understand why I enjoy this series so much: Designing a New Old Home: Materials and Hardware
- Amen. Boring is Beautiful in Investing
- This makes me slightly nervous: Generative AI: Everything You Need to Know
- Interesting read. I don’t know enough to know if it is accurate: China’s “Dangerous Storm” Coming: The Eight Big Challenges Facing China and the People Chosen to Deal with Them
- There are a number of lessons in here: How America’s top real estate agent sells 16 homes every day
- I found his really inspiring (YouTube): Financially Free in 3 years? From Minimum Wage to Property Investor
- My stretch goal is to become a yen billionaire: Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?
- The visible speed of artificial intelligence development is starting to alarm me: AI
- Konichi-Value is bullish on Japan: Japanese Stocks Have Never Been a Better Bargain Than Right Now
What do you think? Anything interesting in there?
The Monday Read, going out to more than 2,760 subscribers each week. Please share this post/email with friends/colleagues who may be interested in it.
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#3: Bone on red.
Yellow on black.
Yellow on black
I used to present some color charts in a class or two for guesses and discussion–google will reveal some things about which colors are associated with “buy”, or “quality”, or “confidence”, and so on. There’s a lot of psychology (hocus-pocus?) behind it.
Agree 100% on #3.
Your concern regarding AI developments described in #4 and #9 are valid. Dishonest and unethical use of AI will likely cause problems in many areas, such as verifying the accuracy and validity of news reporting and evidence in legal cases. We’re heading towards a whole new world of misinformation, and it’ll be much harder to differentiate between actual and fake news.
The chart in #3 is YTD.
3-, 5-, and 10-year+ charts would also be worth looking at (comparing DIA, SPY, and QQQ).
Yellow on black