Course Launch Edition

This week was the first session of the RetireJapan online course, Your First Ten Million Yen. The course sold out in just a couple of days this time, which was amazing.

We’ll be doing another one in January (just in time for all those new year resolutions) so if you are interested please consider signing up to our mailing list here. The next course will be launched to the mailing list first, then the blog, then the newsletter.

New RetireJapan Microblog

I’ve been enjoying Niall Doherty’s momentos for many years now, and got to thinking how cool it would be to have a similar archive myself. Last week I started a new RetireJapan microblog (basically a sentence or two every day) that is going to be whatever is on my mind at 8:45 each morning. I’ll be sending it out on a trial basis at the end of each month to the great people who support the site through…

RetireJapan Supporter Memberships

There are RetireJapan readers, and then there are RetireJapan supporters. The supporters help keep the lights on by donating $2 a month -at the current exchange rate, $2 is almost enough to pay my mortgage or my coffee bill 😉

By becoming a supporter, you enable us to continue providing information and support to millions tens of people through our forum and blog/Twitter/YouTube/Facebook.

In exchange for your monthly donation you will receive nothing but a warm glow of satisfaction* and the knowledge that you are keeping the lights on at RetireJapan.

If you enjoy the site enough to chip in, you can find the details here. Thank you!

*warm glow of satisfaction not guaranteed.


Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. New content coming soon. Maybe.

The Forum

The Forum is doing well (23,374 posts so far). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books

A good week for reading. Finished Termination Shock (enjoyable and thought-provoking near future SF about climate change), started Stephen King’s new novel Fairy Tale (great so far), and still making my way through Clockwork, which has been incredibly useful for thinking about my wife’s business.

This week’s links

  1. I would like to see wage increases and more investing rather than this endless cost-cutting and frugalizing: As prices continue to rise, Japan’s frugal households get even thriftier
  2. Another stock analysis from Konnichi-value: MUJI (Ryohin Keikaku) -Japan’s Most Famous Furniture Brand Punching Way Below its Weight
  3. This is a very small step in the right direction: ‘I’ll kill you’: Japan pref. to compensate man over intimidating police interrogation
  4. There are so many drop boxes now in manshons and shops/combinis (at least in cities): ‘2024 bug’ to wreak havoc on Japan’s logistics
  5. New post from Smart Money Asia: Japan – Is a Cost of Living Crisis Looming?
  6. Was talking to a friend about work today. For both of us, it is our hobby: Work Life Balance is Impossible
  7. Reassuring? Living like nothing matters
  8. I enjoy vicariously reading about this house construction project: Designing a New Old Home: Defining Constraints
  9. Netflix documentary featuring Mister Money Mustache: Get Smart with Money
  10. I really want to get one of these now: Electric Bike, Stupid Love of My Life
  11. Interesting: Inflation: Japan Stands Alone, Part I and Part II
  12. Is this a good solution? Sell Japan off: Japan is cheap not poor
  13. Pretty incredible story: America’s most remarkable kid died in Newcastle, Utah — his legacy never will
  14. These are pretty perennial: Coolest things I learned in 2019
  15. Makes complete sense (healthy lifespan is starting to feel more and more important): How to get more time
  16. Monevator is also thinking about aging: Fixing your financial posture
  17. TV show about non-Japanese Akiya buyers: 【日本家屋大好き!】アメリカ人“空き屋ハンター”
  18. Really enjoy listening to both of these guys, so this podcast episode was great: Ali Abdaal with Marques Browlee (MKBHD)

What do you think? Anything interesting in there?

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