Year of the Tiger Edition

Happy New Year! Can’t believe it’s 2021 already… 😉

What will year 3 of the pandemic have in store for us? Hopefully more tapering and fewer seismic shocks.

I’ll be doing a planning post soon, but just quickly my primary goal for 2022 is better time management, and my secondary goals are to improve my health and relationships.

How about you?

The Forum

The Forum is doing well (18,330 posts to date). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books

Nothing new this week! I’m finishing off The Anomaly. Really interesting concept, some great details.

You can check out our Books of 2021 post if you are craving more book-related content.

Once again I am going to try to read at least 50 books this year. I think it should be fairly easy as long as I manage to put my phone down. I’m doing Cal Newport’s No Twitter January challenge and it’s made a huge difference already.

This week’s links

  1. The more types of renewable non-polluting energy, the better: The chase for fusion energy
  2. Yes, please! Shut them out one lane at a time: Build Cities for Bikes, Buses, and Feet—Not Cars
  3. Another good Twitter thread: What is random good advice?
  4. Craig Mod is an interesting guy. Very much recommend his email lists: About
  5. Never heard of this guy or this product. Good story though (Twitter): A 50 year old immigrant monk bootstrapped to over $1 BILLION in sales with 30%+ profit margins in just 8 years!
  6. Great interview with CTC on Smart Money Asia: Japan Stock Investing With @CacheThatCheque
  7. This looks like a very worthwhile read: Nomad Investment Partnership Letters 2000-2014
  8. I approve: Recycling abandoned homes in rural Japan
  9. Reasons to be bullish on Japanese stocks? Japan tortoise will outpace U.S. hare
  10. A detailed look at an iconic company: NINTENDO COMES TO A FORK IN THE ROAD
  11. That is more like it: Suzuki plans Japanese launch of electric minicar in $10,000 range
  12. Good stuff from Ben Carlson: My Favorite Charts of 2021
  13. I found these two articles very interesting, because I read them minutes apart, and while one is completely deranged and the other seemingly reasonable, they are both coming from the same place. US society really does seem to be breaking down in a way that (thankfully) isn’t happening in Japan yet.
  14. This Twitter thread on plastic made me profoundly afraid. I wonder how important it actually is.
  15. Sean Breslin’s The Good and Not So Good of 2021
  16. An optimistic take on the future from Hikosaemon: Welcoming 2022 in Japan. What a time to be alive
  17. Another Twitter thread: investing lessons from Stanley Druckenmiller
  18. I have only done this a couple of times (great blog, by the way. I will be binge-reading it this week): A Perfect Day for Pounding Rice
  19. Philip Brasor’s last Japan Times column. Always enjoy his writing.
  20. I kind of enjoy these ‘expert analyses films’ videos, and this one on archery is one of the best I have seen 🙂
  21. A really hard line to walk: Exchanging Life Satisfaction for More Money

What do you think? Anything good in there?

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