Not Bad Edition
Well, we had the conference last week. Did you go? Apparently it was pretty good!
It was a long day for me, but when I got home this was waiting so all was good with the world ^-^

If you completely missed the conference you can see the content here, and there are links for the recordings of the sessions.
The Forum
The Forum is doing well (17,635 posts to date). Here are the latest active threads:

This week’s books
I read Gwendy’s Button Box, a novella by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar. It was good! Just what I needed standing between carriages on the shinkansen watching my granddaughter sleep in her pushchair.
This week’s links
- The Year Compass is one way to do yearly planning/assessment (free)
- Can someone get Rakuten to read this please: Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names
- RetireJapan blog post from the past: How much money do I need to retire in Japan?
- Sean’s latest (I’m also reading 4,000 weeks at the moment): Some Distant Memory – A Trip to Morocco
- Stoicism seems to universal and popular recently that it is refreshing to read the argments against it: Stoicism is Not Enough
- I love the parable of the scorpion and the frog, so really enjoyed reading these variations of it
- Let’s switch to non-polluting vehicles, not just because of global warming, but to save our health and the economy: Air Pollution Reduces Health and Wealth
- This seems like a bad idea: The Pentagon Inches Toward Letting AI Control Weapons
What do you think? Anything good in there?
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Otsukaresama on the retire japan conference, it was fantastic.
Hope to see double the audience next year.
Thanks! I was really pleased with how it went, and I think we’ll definitely be doing this regularly from now on.