Rain, rain, go away edition

The problem with Sendai in the spring is the wind. It is a cold and bitter wind, and this year especially strong. Cars pushed into the next lane, washing blown away, doors snatched out of hands strong.

And today? Rain.

Cold rain like a grey blanket, just like back home.

The latest forum posts

Here are the latest forum posts. I am enjoying the net worth discussion:

This week’s books

I started reading three books this week, and they all seem pretty promising.

This week’s links

  1. Four years ago we did a guest post for Tofugu. It was pretty good IMHO: Moving, Retiring, and Living Out Your Life in Japan
  2. Not sure why I enjoyed this article about a US chef: This Oddball Chef Wants to Serve You Wild Animals
  3. I actually found this useful this week: The Ancient Art of Using Time Well
  4. Long (non-finance) read about UK farming: The knackerman: the toughest job in British farming
  5. The life cycle of eels: Where do eels come from?
  6. Looks like good times ahead: What Happens After the Stock Market is Up Big?
  7. Impressive stuff. My experience is also that having a financial buffer greatly reduces work stress: Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE): my journey from first steps to leaving work
  8. Stick to the plan, ignore the noise: Time to sell
  9. These are great: A few short stories
  10. This was fascinating. Lots of interesting ideas and takes on what is going on (also explains why I wasn’t interested in crypto or meme stocks): BidenBucks is Beeple is Bitcoin
  11. Where do rich people come from? How people get rich now
  12. The dystopian future is already here: Drug Cartel Now Assassinates Its Enemies With Bomb-Toting Drones

Some good variety this week! What do you think? Anything interesting in there?

3 Responses

  1. #2–has anyone tried any ジビエ menus/restaurants? (Not to mention 山菜, or the specialized イノシシ places.)
    A local magazine focused on food had a ジビエ issue a couple years back with a rundown on what was available around town, and where.

    1. I’ve had wild boar and venison a few times and stumbled across a bear restaurant in deepest Yamanashi once, but didn’t stop. The wild boar was pretty good.

    2. There was a really good Italian place in Sendai that made all their cured meat from wild boar that the chef hunted, and all the vegetables were from their own fields.

      Don’t know if it’s still around, as we haven’t really been eating out for the last year or so…