Human resources edition

I’m trying to help my wife hire a teacher for her English school, and it is a real learning experience. Here’s hoping it works out this time!

In other news Japan seems to be doing better with Covid, and vaccinations are due to start next week. Some light on the horizon?

The forum was pretty active this week:

One of our members started a wiki for financial topics in Japan: please check it out and start contributing if you can πŸ™‚

This week’s links

  1. Carpe trader:…/some-friendly…/
  2. I don’t think I like this. Why should I get a better deal just for having a foreign passport? But I will use it if it ends up being cheaper:…/jr-east-passes-will-be…
  3. At the end of the day, the family is responsible:…/arti…/20210208/p2a/00m/0na/015000c
  4. This seems like a pretty shameful situation. The country should honour and support its medical staff in this situation:…/as-pandemic-worsens-more…?
  5. This Twitter thread about Covid infections going down was very interesting:
  6. This climate mitigation proposal makes sense:…/carbon-removal-is-how…
  7. This is the clever way to deal with device addiction:…/no-you-are-not-addicted-to…?
  8. This is basically my investment strategy: so far so good!…/the-investment…/
  9. This is graphic engine for creating virtual humans is unbelievable:…/a-sneak-peek-at…
  10. I used this article a couple of hours after reading it πŸ™‚
  11. Some timeless principles in here:
  12. The 5% Rule! I love it πŸ™‚

Not bad for a busy week! What do you think? Anything good in there? #5, #6, and #11 for me.

It was nice to see the 5% rule. According to that, my wife and I are retired already, but I don’t trust our investments to stay at this level past the next couple of years (I think a crash is likely at some point) so we’re going to keep going for a few more years just to be safe.

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