Hayfever’s back edition

Forgot how little I enjoy having seasonal allergies, which seem to come earlier and feel worse each year. I fear I may finally have to go on anti-allergy meds year round.

Still, at least the temperatures are more pleasant this week!

The forum is doing incredibly well, we’re getting close to 10,000 posts. Here are the latest topics:

A couple of people signed up for supporter memberships this week, which is very much appreciated!

This week’s links

  1. This video about Amazon’s delivery chain in the US is fascinating: https://youtu.be/2qanMpnYsjk
  2. I think anyone committed to stay in Japan should be considering naturalizing: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/…/japan-pandemic-foreign…/
  3. This video series on investing is excellent: simple, sound, not too boring πŸ˜ƒ https://www.bogleheads.org/…/Video:Bogleheads%C2%AE…
  4. Companies get it. Hopefully the government will get it soon too: https://japantoday.com/…/major-firms-urge-japan-to…?
  5. I’ve always found it mind-boggling that Japan, a country that would ostensibly like to have more babies, doesn’t cover childbirth under national health insurance πŸ™„https://japantoday.com/…/Tokyo%E2%80%99s-latest-plan-to…?
  6. Makes a lot of sense: https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/PF/
  7. Some investing ideas in there? I’ve been overweight emerging markets for a while now πŸ˜‰https://awealthofcommonsense.com/…/markets-that-are…/
  8. Follow up to the Slate Star Codex saga: very long but interesting and readable: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/still-alive

What do you think? Anything good in there? I enjoyed #1 and #8 this week.

No new books this time as I’m trying to read the ones I already have! Really enjoying Heat and The Big Picture this week though. The latter is fascinating as an inside look at a movie studio via the Sony Pictures hack.

10 Responses

  1. Regarding sinus trouble, have you tried taking High Potency Serrapeptase (120,000 SPU) each morning on an empty stomach? I am having quite good results with it.

  2. Hi Ben- for allergies I have found success with strong general probiotics that should contain lactobacillus. I start taking them in January or early February and through out the hayfever season until May. May be purely a placebo effect but my symptoms are a lot easier to bear now that I take them.

    1. Thanks! I was actually lucky enough to find a good doctor (after trying half a dozen) who was able to prescribe me effective drugs. Sadly my non-allergic window seems to be shrinking more each year, so I will try just taking the meds year round.

      1. Yes, but taking meds for the rest of your life might not be the best solution, especially if they contain steroids. Fixing your gut bacteria seems to work for many and is simply a rebalancing back to what should be normal. YMMV.

      2. About 12 years ago I started drinking a yogurt drink (~150ml) every morning. Over this time I find that yearly, my allergy symptoms have become milder and my allergic time frames have become shorter. I still take mild allergy meds in peak seasons but little by little am getting stronger. Besides, the drink tastes good! My first ENT doctor chided me monthly to eat more blue fish and eat yogurt… Never really listened to him.

        1. I tried that a couple of years ago: had an R1 yoghurt every day for 18 months. Didn’t notice any effect at all, so stopped doing it.

  3. About why normal (vaginal) childbirth is not covered by health insurance: I was told at the time I was pregnant that since childbirth is not an illness, it is not a health insurance issue. On the other hand, I ended up having a c-section, and since that was a surgery, it was covered by health insurance. I do not recommend having a c-section just to be covered by health insurance. My husband’s company did give us an amount of money about equal to the hospital charges. I don’t remember what they called it.

    There should be some kind of insurance or health program to cover the costs of pregnancy and childbirth, to make sure that all pregnant women are looked after so that the resulting children are born as healthy as possible.

  4. No 3 the Bogle video series is good, contains a stern warning though; be sure to invest in stocks wisely or you will get badly burnt… and no guarantee the market will always go up with a reference to Japan stock market..