A little worrying…

Thank you to everyone who answered the J401k survey over the last couple of days.

The results so far are slightly worrying, but not unexpected. After all, the book I read about the J401k said that only around 0.2% of the people who are eligible for the account actually have one!

The RetireJapan readership is doing a bit better than that, but not much.

7% of you have a J401k account, and 20% are not eligible (but this will probably change later in the year and I hope you will open an account). 60% of you do not have an account, and a further 13% do not know what the J401k is (please click here to read about it).

If you are planning to live in Japan until retirement, you pay taxes here, and you pay into the pension scheme, you should probably open a J401k. 

I’ll be posting in detail about the application process in October when I finally get to open my own account after the upcoming pension changes.

Please post any questions in the comments below.