to your retirement is…

… not getting started.

Of all the dangers, not thinking about retirement has the worst consequences. If you put off planning for retirement, you run the risk of waking up one day and realizing that you don’t have enough money and won’t be able to make enough to maintain your preferred lifestyle.

If you are lucky, you will die before that happens, but hoping for a quick death seems less desirable than doing a couple of hours’ thinking and planning 🙂

To start with, just follow the steps below:

1. think about what you want: where do you want to live? What kinds of things do you want to do?

2. think about what you will need: how much money will you need? I find it helpful to come up with three numbers here -enough money to survive, enough money to be comfortable, and enough money to indulge myself.

3. think about what you already have: savings, investments, pensions, etc. Are they going to be enough to hit your numbers in #2 above?

4. think about how to save more: can you reduce your spending now? Track how much you spend for a few weeks and you’ll probably find some things that cost money but don’t really improve your life.

5. think about how to invest: learn about your options and create a plan that fits your needs. You can learn more by reading around this this site, posting in the forums for advice, or by following the links to more information.

Personal finance is not as difficult as it can seem, and you really can’t afford to ignore this stuff. What are you waiting for?

2 Responses

  1. Hi,
    I was hoping to make your talk on the 17th at PanSig, but we are only going to go for the 16th. Will you be at the Saturday night banquet. It’d be nice to have a chat and maybe get a handout.
    All the best,
    Brian Cullen

    1. Hi Brian
      Unfortunately I’ll be flying in and out on the Sunday (can’t get away due to a work event on Saturday). I do hope to post video/slides of the presentation here, so if you check back in late May those should be up.
      I’ll also be doing a couple of talks in Nagoya later in the year. Information coming soon 🙂