Somehow I managed to fail this easy test

Long-time readers may remember that I took the Financial Planner test (3-kyuu) in January. I wrote about the test here and my experience taking it here.

​My results arrived a couple of days ago. As I discovered by scoring my own paper after the test, I barely passed the ‘practical’ paper (financial planning focus, one of three options including insurance and real estate) and failed the ‘academic’ one.

I was happy to see that I got full marks on the investing sections 🙂

My poor performance on the latter sections is explained by the fact that I didn’t finish going through my textbook before the test. The last two chapters were on real estate and inheritance, and those are the sections I bombed on the test…

I have now finished going through the textbook, although it is slightly out of date (2013 edition and several laws have changed in the meantime). I’ll start going through a new textbook today and hopefully will finish in time to take the academic module of the next FP test in May.

Wish me luck!

4 Responses

  1. You learnt a lot about the test last time. This time with improved preparation you will be fine. Good luck!

  2. Why are you taking this test? To obtain a CFP later on. By looking at the path to become a CFP in Japan it seems quiet hard. Anyway good luck!

    1. Thanks EE! It’s one possible future (an interesting-seeming one). The journey is the goal, really 🙂