The Monday Read: Miyako Calling

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. I’m in Miyakojima for a couple of weeks. It’s pretty good down here. I first visited in June, but liked it enough to book a second trip in October! Primary goal was for my […]
The Monday Read: Life is Good

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. It’s been a busy week, but life is good. Getting out of the heat of summer has made everything better. I am more productive, have more energy, sleep better… Incredible how much difference it […]
The Monday Read: the pleasure of cool evenings

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. What an underrated pleasure it is to sleep with the windows open at night. We were finally able to turn the AC off this week (but I still have a fan on low at […]
The Monday Read: Autumn Breeze

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. Finally I can feel the hint of autumn in the air. It is no longer unpleasantly hot at night, and I have spent the last couple of days working without AC. Praise be! This […]
The Monday Read: Computer Disposal

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. Had a really fun catch up session with graduates of our Your First Ten Million Yen course last weekend. We’ve run two cohorts so far, so it was great to hear everyone’s success stories […]
The Monday Read: Post 900

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. This is our 900th post on this blog. Yikes! The first post went live on December 4th, 2013. I don’t think anyone read it at the time 😉 Any ideas to celebrate the 1000 […]
The Monday Read: the End of Summer?

Welcome to The Monday Read, RetireJapan’s weekly collection of content, musings, and links related to personal finance and life in Japan. My daughter said this last week. “I think summer is over.” Now, that might initially seem like something an insane person would say, given that we’ve had 30+ days all week, but I think […]