Sort your finances out in 2025

It’s easier than you might think Happy New Year! I hope 2025 brings you happiness, growth, joy, and excitement. You probably have some resolutions or goals for this year. I do too. One of my biggest goals since I started RetireJapan in 2013 is to help as many people as possible to learn more about […]
The new eternal NISA

Christmas came early this year The outline of the new new NISA accounts, long rumoured and leaked, were announced this week. The FSA official page has not been updated at this point, but the broad picture is clear with just a few details yet to be confirmed. The changes are great and address pretty much […]
RetireJapan Guide to NISA 2022

The New Edition is Out I finished the 2022 edition of the RetireJapan Guide to NISA on Sunday, and my book designer sent me back the final files today. I’m really proud of this version, it is 50% longer than the previous edition and contains a lot of updated content about Tsumitate NISA, the New […]
On Tsumitate NISA

I have changed my mind! I have yet to use tsumitate NISA myself, and until recently my advice to people looking to choose between ordinary NISA and tsumitate NISA was to go for ordinary if you could afford to invest the full amount and tsumitate if you couldn’t. But I have changed my thinking on […]
NISA Changes

Nothing significant, mostly good I was really happy to see an article this week from my favourite Japanese financial writer, Minako Takekawa. In the article she explains the upcoming changes to the tsumitate, ordinary, and junior NISA accounts. Changes to tsumitate NISA There is just one change to tsumitate NISA, and that is that the […]
NISA Progress 2018

The slow steady grind A NISA account is a way to invest without paying capital gains tax or taxes on dividends. Pretty much anyone who lives in Japan can open one. For more information, check out our Beginner’s Guide to NISA Accounts in Japan. Every year I write a progress report so you can follow […]
Investment Accounts in Japan

Now witness the power of this fully operational online broker account The three big online brokers in Japan For most people (US citizens see the note at the end of this post), the best option for opening investment accounts is going to be online. Banks and full service broker offices tend to have higher fees, […]
積立 (tsumitate) NISA
A new option Last August I wrote about the new NISA proposals. A few things have changed since then, and the 積立 (tsumitate, or regular saving) NISA is starting next January. Let’s take a look at what it is and who might want to use it. First of all, regular NISA and Junior NISA accounts […]
NISA vs. iDeCo: Japan’s Tax-free Investing Titans

Discover the advantages and differences between Japan’s NISA & iDeCo accounts, the two best tax-free and low-cost systems for investing.