If you really really like the site

I support half a dozen people through Patreon, paying them a dollar or two every month. One blogger and four web comic artists. I don’t receive anything in exchange for this support, but I am happy to provide it because I enjoy their work and would like them to continue providing it.

A few people have asked about doing something similar for RetireJapan over the years. Last month Gumroad (our ebook sales portal) started offering memberships, so we put something together and quietly launched it in the forum. To my surprise a couple of people signed up so it seems to be viable.

On the face of it, this makes no sense. You won’t get anything for your money other than a warm glow of satisfaction.*

However, if you enjoy RetireJapan and want to contribute to the site’s running costs, etc. it would be great if you would check out the Supporter Membership. It’s basically the cost of a convenience store coffee every month and of course you can cancel it anytime 😉

I reckon we are responsible for hundreds of millions of yen in savings/investments by our readers and clients over the last seven years, and that is reward enough. If you’d like to help out without signing up, just tell some of your friends or colleagues about the site. They may thank you later.

*warm glow of satisfaction not guaranteed. Results may vary.