… you’re my only hope

The RetireJapan mailing list went over 200 subscribers last week (and the Facebook page has just over 260 likes). This is great progress!

The comments on the blog and in the forum are starting to take off. People who know more than I do are popping in to share information and join in discussions. RetireJapan is starting to turn into a community.

But of course I think we are just scratching the surface in terms of reaching people who have questions about how to save and invest in Japan.

Every week I get emails from people who say that they wish they’d found the site sooner.

So here’s my request: if you find RetireJapan interesting, if you think it might be useful to someone you know, please send them a link or tell them about it.

If you’re on Facebook, like or share posts.

We all benefit from our collective wisdom, and between us we can change lives and help people overcome financial difficulties. Now more than ever, it’s important for people to be informed and empowered about their finances.