Surprisingly gripping

Someone on RetireJapan recommended the Living a FI blog and I got really into it and read it from start to (almost) finish.

It’s the story of one man’s financial journey from college through a variety of jobs all the way to financial independence.

The detailed write-ups of the jobs (in computer support and engineering) are fascinating (he’s a really good writer), and made me grateful of my own job and jealous of the salaries in the US.

Living a FI isn’t really a blog you can dip into, but if you fancy a long read it’s funny, interesting, and inspiring.

I have read up to Feb 2015, and it’s getting close to the end of the journey. Might be a good summer read 🙂

You can also find other good blogs or sites on our Resources page. Have I missed any?

3 Responses

  1. Thanks for the share! Will binge read the blog during the daily commutes to and from work.
    Also especially helpful that the blogger is in the same industry =)

  2. I think you’ll enjoy the descriptions of the various jobs, characters, and situations. I did, despite not really understanding some of the technical bits 🙂