Very interesting for investing geeks

I picked up Meb Faber’s Global Asset Allocation, A Survey of the World’s Top Asset Allocation Strategies, and it basically does what it says on the cover.

The book compares over ten diversified portfolios (including the Permanent Portfolio, the Harvard portfolio, Buffet’s 90/10 plan for his wife, etc.) and looks at their performance over time, as well as examining related factors (such as costs, etc.).

It’s an easy read despite the amount of number crunching that has gone into it.

The conclusion is that most diversified portfolios perform similarly looking at historical data, but some are less volatile.

​I found the book really interesting, but you’d have to be pretty into investing before enjoying reading this.

If you are already investing and thinking about your asset allocation you might enjoy this and find it useful. If not, read Millionaire Teacher, A Random Walk Down Wall Street, and The Simple Guide to Wealth first.

Global Asset Allocation is only 356 yen on Amazon Kindle. Any other good books I should be reading?

3 Responses

  1. I am currently reading All About Asset Allocation, and it has gotten me thinking about my own portfolio =)
    Be forewarned that the book can get quite dry though!

  2. Thanks for sharing!
    In terms of global asset allocation, how would you describe Japan and how could some benefit from it?