Does he really go to McDonalds every morning?

I managed to watch this a few weeks ago. It’s made by HBO, but I could not for the life of me find a way of watching it legally, so I ended up watching it on Youtube.

It’s ninety minutes, and provides an intimate look at Warren Buffett and his life. One of the most surprising things for me is how ordinary his life is (or how ordinary he portrays his life as) and how unusual aspects of it are (like his relationships with his two wives).

This is an interesting, heart-warming documentary about one of the richest people in the world and how he got there.

It’s also a real endorsement of lifestyle design, ie figuring out what you are good at and what you enjoy doing, then making a life that lets you do that.

It’s well worth ninety minutes of your time.

I also really enjoyed The Snowball, his authorized biography, and of course the annual letters compilation. I actually read through all of these. Considering they are the annual reports of a large corporation, it wasn’t too bad 😉
Any other good documentaries I should check out?

5 Responses

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