Buffett x Feynman = Enjoyable Read

I’m not sure who recommended A Man for All Markets to me. I think it was one of the blogs I read regularly.

I’m really pleased they did though, and that I picked up a copy last month.

The book really reminds me of Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman, of Bringing Down the House, and of The Snowball. Given that I really enjoyed all three, that’s a great combination.

AMfAM is the autobiography of Edward O. Thorp, who is by his own account a bit of a genius, and a cool-looking guy.

His life is pretty interesting, from a childhood reminiscent of Buffett’s, through an intellectual life reminiscent of Feynman’s (interestingly, he met both of them), to hobbies that resembled the film 21.

Anyway, A Man for All Markets is a fun read and I really recommend it if you are into science, maths, gambling, or investing (and who isn’t into at least one of those, eh?) 😉