Let us know how we are doing

I’m staying here for a couple of days to try to do some thinking and writing

RetireJapan turned ten years old this week. Seems pretty incredible to me, and thinking back I can’t believe how far we have come.

From blog to information website, forum, social media, publications, live events, online events, coaching, courses, YouTube, and most recently video courses. What’s coming next? I have no idea.

But more than me, or the site, or our content, this project is about you.

The RetireJapan community. Our readers, contributors, customers, viewers, attendees.

I would love to hear your stories.

How did you find RetireJapan? When did you first come across the site (or hear about it)? What have we helped you with? What would you like to see in the future?

We have a thread on the forum, but you can also comment here or on social media. Short or long, it would be great to hear from you.

7 Responses

  1. Congratulations Ben! It must’ve been such a hard slog at the beginning, presumably writing into the void and hoping people found value in your project. Well they did, and thanks to your persistence and consistency I’m sure you’ve helped many more people than you realise. Enjoy the anniversary and I hope you get the chance to celebrate – you’ve earned it. 🙂

  2. Thanks to you I am proceeding with my housing loan!
    Very glad for all the work you do for this community.
    Found you on FB.

  3. Thanks Ben and congrats on the 10 years!
    Your ebooks and the community have helped me a lot over the last few years.
    I had never paid (or been offered by my employer) to pay nenkin until I was about 35 and hadn’t really thought about retirement up until that stage. After having a kid I picked up Rich Dad, Poor Dad for something to read on a trip back home to NZ. It blew me away but I wanted to read more about finance in Japan and a google search lead me to your site. Now I have emergency savings, NISA and Ideco both set up and a home loan that I’m comfortable with. As I get older though there are plenty of new things to ponder – insurance, kid’s education fees, new NISA, inheritance etc etc, so your site and community are invaluable and I can see myself being involved until my deathbed!
    Also enjoy reading the blog every monday and checking the links that you post just to stay aware of things that are happening.
    May RetireJapan long continue!

    1. I should also add that between Ben and Arnold Schwarzenegger (who’s podcast – Arnold’s Pump Club I listen to regularly) I have really been able to avoid a lot of the negative content on social media these days and have also started to keep my body and brain healthy and happy in order to hopefully provide not just for my financial side, but my physical and mental side in the future. So thanks again!

  4. Congrats on 10 years! I would love to see/read/listen to real life stories of people living in Japan, where you provide advice. Youtube video (like Ramit Sethi) or by blog post (like the case studies by Millennial Revolution). Reading about how people are managing their finances in Japan would be so useful.

  5. First time posting anything here, (not really active in writing in Internet) but already two years checking this website, the forum and since a couple of months back receiving the Monday read. Got here from a search looking for NISA details.
    Just wanted to say thank you for all the valuable insights I’ve got from this initiative.