Now taking bookings from June

I updated the coaching page (slight price increase, no longer offering in-person sessions, slighty more detail).

We’ve been doing a lot of coaching recently. I guess Covid and the last year gave people a chance to take stock of their situation and start thinking about how to improve things.

Not everyone needs coaching. Pretty much all the necessary information is somewhere on the site (you might have to search for it though) and you can ask questions in the forum. For many people this will be enough.

However, if you want a bit more personal attention, if you want to save time, or if you would rather ask questions in a more private environment, coaching may be for you. All coaching is currently done online, via Zoom or similar.

The content of a coaching session depends on what the client wants to cover. Some people want to confirm that their plans are reasonable and don’t have any weak areas. Others have a list of specific questions. A few want help learning to use a broker website, or someone to guide them through the application process.

The best sessions involve the client doing most of the work. Before a coaching session I ask people to write about their financial situation, their goals and planning, and their questions. For most people, sitting down to do this is extremely valuable in and of itself and by the time we get to the session things look a lot clearer.

Any information shared with me during a coaching session is treated in strict confidence, and payment is due after the session, via Paypal or bank transfer.

We are now fully booked until the end of May, and have a few slots available in June. July and beyond is wide open. If you are interested in coaching, please feel free to get in touch.