How bad are you?

It might surprise you to hear that I am not a hardcore money geek. In fact, I feel a bit inadequate sometimes when talking to real money geeks.

Take a look at the Money Geek Scale (TM) below and see where you fall:

0 Financial Disaster
Has trouble paying bills each month. No savings.

1 Normal Person
Doesn’t really think about money beyond getting paid and paying bills.

2 Financially Stable
Some savings. Insurance. No problem paying bills. Wonders about investing.

3 Financially Competent
Knows how much they spend and save each month. Has savings and investments but might not fully understand them.

4 Financially Informed (geek)
Reads financial blogs. Knows about tax-advantaged vehicles. Has a financial plan and knows about alternative approaches.

5 Financial Expert (uber geek)
Does their own taxes, reads company financial statements.

In the scale above I would say I am probably at level 4. I’m too lazy to do my own taxes and exhaustively research investing opportunities.

Like I talked about in my post about ‘enough’, I don’t think I need to do more than I am doing. I don’t need to beat the market or become fantastically wealthy. I just need to keep doing what I am doing, and my family will be fine. In some ways, I have already won.

I think it is worth getting to level 3 or 4 in the scale for almost everyone. The danger with level 3 is that it is easy for people to take advantage of you. The drawback for level 4 is that a lot of people find personal finance extremely boring 😉

Regardless of where you are on the Money Geek Scale, please subscribe to the blog email updates or Like our Facebook page. We’ll be producing a range of new content soon (ebooks! videos!) to help you learn more about managing your finances.

If you are an uber geek please comment or write guest posts for the site. We need your knowledge 🙂

    Money Geek Scale


3 Responses

  1. Shoot! Based on your definitions I’m probably a 4.5 right now. I was a 1.5 less than 3 years ago.
    I’m happy to be a money geek: I’ve described in my blog not so long ago that it feels like a super power: It makes me strong, not everyone can actually have it, and it comes with some responsibility.

    1. That’s awesome, SB 🙂
      Like the concept. It certainly makes a huge difference when you get a grip on this stuff: like that scene in the Matrix where he can see the source code for the first time…

  2. I think I’m a 4.5, too. The “doing your own taxes” should probably be at level 4. I have done my own, but with our financial conditions changing (for the better), I’m thinking it will be smart to pay an expert to do ours. I doubt many millionaires do their own taxes.