I learned a few things too.

Last weekend I had the chance to go and speak to the Gifu and Nagoya JALT chapters about personal finance. I’m very grateful to both chapters for inviting me and making it possible for me to fly down to present.

These were the longest workshops I have done, and although there were some familiar faces in the crowds, I didn’t know most of the participants.

Both groups were very friendly though, and made things easy for me by participating actively and asking lots of questions.

I talked about personal finance, the basics of investing, and investing in Japan. I also recommended a lot of books and websites. Hopefully the participants heard at least a couple of things they can apply to their own situations.

It was really interesting for me to get out and meet the participants. The questions and comments I got really helped me get a better idea of what kind of content people are looking for. I’m planning to use this information to give more effective presentations in the future.

There is a write-up of the Gifu workshop here.

​I am very keen to do presentations or workshops for any interested groups in Japan. Please get in touch via the contact link above if you would like to discuss me coming to talk to your group.