One of the most important books you could read

I just finished Atul Gawande’s excellent book Being Mortal. The author is a doctor in the US who also happens to be an excellent writer. I also recommend his Checklist Manifesto.

In Being Mortal, Dr. Gawande talks about what happens to us when we get old in an age where medicine has the capacity to keep us alive for much longer than we might want it to.

The book addresses the big questions: What do you want to live for? What are you prepared to tolerate in order to remain alive? How do you want to be treated? 

Being Mortal is heartbreaking, uncomfortable, even distressing. It is also one of the most important books you might read. For anyone who might end up at the bedside of a loved one, and for all of us who will indeed die some day, this provides a chance to get ready and start thinking about decisions that should not be taken in a hospital in the middle of the night.

This is not strictly speaking a financial topic. But it is very much an matter of quality of life. I hope you will read this and take some time to think and talk about this with your loved ones.

2 Responses

  1. Thanks very much Ben. I’ll try to read this in the spring holiday. Also been meaning to act on your Dying in Japan advice but haven’t got round to it yet. This kind of job is forever hovering in the lower regions of my JTD list!
    Hope all is well with you and yours 🙂

    1. Hi NS
      Long time! Despite the morbid topics recently, all is well (if a little busy). Have some exciting plans for the English school starting from next week.
      Hope to catch up soon 🙂