The next RetireJapan project

I mentioned on the Facebook page that I am writing a book about iDeCo accounts.

Now, if you can read Japanese, the best (cheapest, most comprehensive) option is to get a copy of Minako Takekawa’s 確定拠出年金活用入門. However, many of our readers would prefer to have something in English.

As there are no books in English on iDeCo at the moment I have no choice but to write my own 🙂

I’ll be taking material from the site as well as writing new material. Right now I am trying to figure out what should go into the book.

I currently have the following ‘chapters’ planned out:

iDeCo Book

  • Who are you? (er, that would be me)
  • What is RetireJapan?
  • What is an iDeCo account?
  • What are the benefits of iDeCo?
  • How does iDeCo reduce income tax?
  • Is it completely tax-free?
  • What are the requirements to open an account?
  • Who should open an account?
  • How do I apply?
  • What is the application process like?
  • How long does it take?
  • How should I choose a provider?
  • What should I buy in the account?
  • How should I manage my account?
  • What happens if I leave Japan?
  • What happens if I die?
  • What happens if I become disabled?
  • Can I get my money early?
  • What if I’m a US citizen or green card holder?
  • When do I get my money?
  • How much tax will I have to pay?
  • What other accounts are there?
  • Where can I get more information?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Am I missing anything? What else would people want to know? For people who have iDeCo accounts, what do you wish you’d known about in advance?

10 Responses

  1. A complete beginners explanation on risk and the long term benefits of investing. If only I had understood this when I was in my twenties.

    1. Hi Dee
      This is the first I have heard of it! Thanks for asking 🙂
      I will definitely check it out and probably feature it on the blog.
      I see it’s done by 8 Securities, the company behind 8 Now!, which I wasn’t particularly impressed with.
      Hopefully this new project is better.

      1. Well, I just downloaded the app and… couldn’t register because it froze and crashed.
        Work in progress I guess.

      2. Managed to get Chloe working, so will be writing a review in due course 🙂

  2. How about the famous Death tax? I have hear that the government takes as much as 50% of my estate away from my family. I’m not sure this is right for the book but if you covered that somewhere, it would be great!

    1. Hi Les
      I’m planning to do a blog post about inheritance tax soon. Stay tuned!