A foolproof strategy

We talk a lot about good financial habits and tactics on this blog. Today I bring you: ten strategies to make sure you will never be rich.

  1. Buy a new car every few years.
  2. Smoke, drink, eat out a lot.
  3. Go shopping the day you get paid. Spend your entire paycheck.
  4. Buy a house. Sell it. Buy another one.
  5. Get financial advice from a salesperson/broker.
  6. Buy lots of insurance.
  7. Borrow money to buy things. You deserve it, right?
  8. Start expensive new hobbies frequently.
  9. Don’t worry about opportunity cost.
  10. Develop expensive tastes. Become dissatisfied with normal things.

​And if you want to get rich, maybe don’t do these things 🙂