Your input appreciated

The RetireJapan email newsletter (you can sign up at the bottom of most of the pages on the site) is sent out at lunchtime on Mondays, Japan time.

Normally there will be three posts per week:

1. Wednesday post
This is the main story and is usually a bit longer and more informative than the other posts.

2. Friday post
This is normally a review of a book, film, website, or service.

3. Monday post
This is normally a shorter general interest post.

The newsletter has a link to each post from that week, and is probably the easiest way to follow RetireJapan without visiting the site all the time.

Of course, you can also subscribe to updates on Facebook by going to the RetireJapan page and changing the settings so that you see all posts (Facebook by default will only show you about 10% of what is published on the page), or follow the blog using RSS (my favourite method.

I’ve had some feedback the the timing of the newsletter might not be ideal, so I think it is time for a poll 🙂

Please answer below.

    RetireJapan Reader Poll
