Just a quick note about coaching: I will be increasing the price of coaching sessions from January.
If you have been thinking about booking a session, and would like to lock in the current price, make sure you book by December 31st using the link on this page (sessions can be booked up to four weeks in advance, so you can book in December and do the session in January for the current price).
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Does this update itself serve as a primer on inflation?
Ha, ha, not really.
It is mainly happening because I think many of my coaching clients would be better off taking the Your First Ten Million Yen course rather than taking one or more coaching sessions. The course will launch cohort 2 in the new year and will be available as a self-paced course as well as a live cohort.
My time is becoming more valuable, so the cost of coaching will probably continue rising in the future.
Do you provide coaching sessions over the weekend?
Not usually, but could definitely be arranged. Drop me an email at info@retirejapan.info 🙂