Another Nenkin Case Study

Housewife/self-employed Today we have another riveting nenkin case study for you. This time it is an example of someone who has mainly paid into kokumin nenkin (the basic pension) rather than kosei nenkin (the ‘salaryman’ pension). The person kindly shared their nenkin annual statement (年金定期便) with me, so we’ll just go through the numbers and […]

The best laid plans

My five year plan from 2016 I am pretty bored right now in the hospital. Poking around in my computer I found a five year plan I wrote… five years ago! Let’s check it out. I think I was inspired by this blog post, and made the plan after that. Looking back, it was a […]

Progress Report 2020

The Progress Continues This year we will continue combining all the progress report posts into one huge long report. I think they work better as one big long post. You can see last year’s post here (spoiler alert: this year’s is almost identical). We’re going to cover the following areas in order: iDeCo Progress NISA […]

Progress Report 2019

The Mega-Progress This year we are combining all the progress report posts into one huge long report. Previously we had a separate post for each one, but I think it might be more readable (or skippable!) as one big long post. We’re going to cover the following areas in order: iDeCo Progress NISA Progress Mortgage […]

It’s good to talk

When you assume… I think about money and investing a lot. Maybe too much. I’ve written about our pension projections in the past, and thought I had a good idea of what we needed and where we were heading financially. It seems I was wrong. I had been working off a range of 200,000-400,000 a […]

Digital Detox 2

Two steps forward, one step back A couple of weeks ago I announced I’d be doing a digital detox and trying to stay offline on June 21st. The plan was turn off all my devices and not turn them back on again until the following day. “So how did it go?” is probably the question […]

Digital Detox

Internet Addiction

I need an intervention The internet is great, but maybe too much internet is… not great? I’m way beyond the point where I feel like my internet addiction is getting in the way of work, life, and even happiness. Increasingly I am finding that my default setting is to be online, whether at home, at […]

RetireJapan Progress 2018

Pretty good year Every year since 2013 I have done a personal annual review. I really recommend it. I basically just sit down for a couple of hours and list up what I accomplished this year. What went well? What didn’t go so well? Then in January sit down and set out some goals and […]

Other Progress 2018

Bit of a mixed year This is the last progress report, and contains everything else. In a way NISA and iDeCo are easy, because they are a bit of a no-brainer and can be set up and basically ignored after that. Figuring out what else to do is more challenging. This year I did mainly […]

Giving Progress 2018

Start now There are basically two schools of thought regarding giving money away. One says that you should wait until you are rich/comfortable, at which point you will be able to give away more money. The other says that if you don’t give money away when you only have a little, you won’t do so […]