What do you *really* want?

Are your goals specific and concrete? Last week I finished reading a fantasy trilogy. The books were fine but nothing special. I enjoyed reading them, there was some interesting world building, but overall I would give them a B grade. But then I read the author’s afterword, and it made a huge impact on me. […]

2024 Planning

Happy New Year! I hope the year of the dragon treats you well. I also hope our readers in Hokuriku are safe and doing okay and can get back to normal as quickly as possible. I know from personal experience how draining recovering from an earthquake can be. Take the time you need to adjust […]

Progress Report 2023

The Progress Continues It’s the blog post none of you have been waiting for 😉 This year once again I am publishing my personal financial progress report post. You can see last year’s post here (and follow the chain back through time if you are interested -the first was in 2017 or so). I find […]

Master Plan Part Trois

RetireJapan Remastered A few years ago I published a master plan for RetireJapan. Then in 2021 I published Part Deux. After all the crazy developments in the last couple of years, I think it’s time for another update 🙂 The original plan was as follows: Step 1: share information on the site/blogStep 2: run a forum so people can […]

Bribing the Money God

A shrine in Miyagi prefecture in Japan.

There is a shrine on a small island off the coast of Miyagi. The shrine is over a thousand years old. Legend says that people who participate in the ceremony three years in a row will never want for money again…

Progress Report 2022

The Progress Continues This year once again I am publishing my personal progress report post. You can see last year’s post here. I find it useful to go over my accounts and think about them, and hope this will help you see how you can invest over time here in Japan. We’re going to cover […]

800th RetireJapan Post

Damn, when did that happen Actually, it happened on May 5th (it was a Monday Read). This is actually post number 808. I had meant to do a special post for the 800th post, but I kind of forgot and missed it. Oooops. I guess we’ll have to try to do something special for the […]

Another Nenkin Case Study Reloaded

Mostly Kokumin Nenkin Today we have another riveting nenkin case study for you. This time it is an example of someone who has mainly paid into kokumin nenkin (the basic pension) rather than kosei nenkin (the ‘salaryman’ pension). The person kindly shared their nenkin annual statement (年金定期便) with me, so we’ll just go through the […]

Progress Report 2021

The Progress Continues This year once again we will combine all the progress report posts into one huge long report. I think they work better as one post. You can see last year’s post here (spoiler alert: this year’s is very similar). We’re going to cover the following areas in order: Lots to cover, so […]

Share your portfolio

Lots of ideas There was a really interesting thread on the Forum this week with the title share your portfolio. I was going to reply there but then I figured if I was going to do the work of writing up my portfolio I might as well get a blog post of out it 😉 […]