Some Thoughts on The Stock Market

Keep calm and follow the plan Well, the stock markets seem to have caught the novel coronavirus. Checked my Rakuten account today after seeing some posts on the forum here, and we’re down… quite a bit. I figure this might be a good time to do a quick post for anyone who is feeling a […]
Online Personal Finance Coaching

Can we help you? We’ve been gettting lot more enquiries about our online coaching service recently, so it might be useful to go over what it is and what kind of help we can provide -as well as what we can’t. This post will also be useful to refer people to if they are interested […]
Progress Report 2019

The Mega-Progress This year we are combining all the progress report posts into one huge long report. Previously we had a separate post for each one, but I think it might be more readable (or skippable!) as one big long post. We’re going to cover the following areas in order: iDeCo Progress NISA Progress Mortgage […]