Guest Post: Getting solar panels in Japan in 2024

Solar panels on a roof in Japan.

Might be worth looking into This is not quite a full guest post, but rather is adapted from a post in the RetireJapan Forum. The author kindly agreed to let me run it on the blog as I found it very useful. For those of us in Tokyo there are still huge government subsidies for […]

Guest Post: Solar Panels in Japan in 2023

Photo of people installing solar panels in Japan.

I contacted three different providers and asked each for an estimate for a solar power generation system equipped with a storage battery. Two of them provided me with two sets of estimates (with and without), while another just gave one (with).

More unexpected expenses

Of course Not even a week into the new year, and just when I had finished congratulating myself on how well our finances were doing, my wife shared a thought with me. We came across a small company that specialises in doing manshon renovations and house building. They do a lot of custom work, and […]

The Economics and In-Economics of Home Ownership in Japan

A guest post from Mason Dixon Today we have a real treat for you: a guest post from Mason Dixon detailing his experience of buying and selling a house in Japan. This kind of post is exactly what RetireJapan is for: to provide information and help people consider their life choices in a positive way. […]

Home Improvements: Windows

Definitely worth considering Long-term readers may remember I bought an old flat last year (a ‘manshon’). We’d actually been renting it for a while and liked the place, liked the neighborhood, and as we bought it from a friend, we got a great price. However, it is both 25 years old and has been through […]