Damn, when did that happen

Actually, it happened on May 5th (it was a Monday Read). This is actually post number 808. I had meant to do a special post for the 800th post, but I kind of forgot and missed it.


I guess we’ll have to try to do something special for the 1,000th post instead (at the current rate maybe sometime in 2025 or so?).

In the meantime, here is a quick update on what is going on with the site and my life.

Where are we now?

RetireJapan is still really fun for me. Working on the site and its offshoots is enjoyable and doesn’t feel like work in any way. Bodes well for the future.

I plan to continue producing 1-2 blog posts, one piece of basic info for our Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn/Medium channel, and one or more YouTube videos per week.

Where are we going?

In the pipeline are new editions of the NISA and iDeCo guides, a revamp of the website, and an online course (The First Ten Million Yen).

After that some more guides, and possibly more courses. And continue with all the things we are doing at the moment, of course.

I’m still working full-time now (hopefully just until August) but after that I should have a lot more time to put into RetireJapan.

What do you want?

I want to continue helping people. I’d like our community to get bigger. I would like people who are looking for information to be able to find RetireJapan before they find a less impartial source of information.

I want to continue learning and developing my skills (video has been fun so far, and I’m getting an idea of how much I don’t know about marketing, writing, SEO, website design, etc.).

Starting RetireJapan has been one of the best things I have ever done, and I look forward to continuing to do it for a very long time.

I’d love to hear your feedback or suggestions 🙂

8 Responses

  1. Congratulations on so many posts. That’s amazing! I’m really glad you’re still enjoying it and I admire your ongoing desire to help people. A lot of us have found life-changing advice here, both from you personally and from the forum community. Thank you very much, and long may it continue!

    1. Thanks NS! It’s been great having you in the gang ^-^

      And to be honest, I have gotten much more out of RetireJapan than anyone else has -I’ve learned so much and had so much fun. Truly lifechanging and I am so proud of the community we have here.

  2. Congratulations Ben, I remember some time you wrote about when you started your blog and also investing(I might be wrong) but could you remind me which post it was, I have been trying to go over your archives somehow I just can’t seem to find it. Again congratulations

  3. Congrats on the 800 (and 8) posts and that mission you’ve set out for yourself has truly been pivotal on my and my wife’s journey to improve our finances and open up more options for the future. Long may it continue!

  4. Congrats on the milestone. Love seeing you write how in making this it has helped yourself just as much or more than others. It really proves one does not have to be perfect to make something helpful for others. In sharing and teaching information we can grow so much. Really appreciate all of the Monday newsletters myself. Thanks again,
    -Andrew Gibler