Ishiba Shock

How will Japan’s new Prime Minister affect your life? I was fairly happy to see Mr Ishiba be elected leader of the LDP and thus Prime Minister of Japan, especially considering the alternatives. As we head into the election there has been a lot written about what kind of policies he might try to enact, […]
The Monday Read: Do the thing, then get motivated

It’s not the other way around Fans of the YouTube channel (yes, all three of you) may have noticed we haven’t published any videos since mid-July or so. My excuse for this is layered. First I got busy trying to hire a new teacher for my wife’s school. Then I took a trip to Europe. […]
Your First Ten Million Yen
Why our course might be the key to you unlocking tens or hundreds of millions of yen I started RetireJapan in 2013 to help people learn about personal finance. A friend of mine had been telling me about the investments his ‘financial advisor’ had sold him. It was the usual overseas insurance policy offshore pension […]
The Monday Read: Japan is a high trust society

It’s one of the best things about living here Last Saturday I realised I didn’t have my wallet. Looked for it everywhere. Didn’t find it. Was calm at first but the longer I looked the less calm I felt. It had some cash in it (meh). My cashcard (yikes). A credit card (not sure which […]
The Monday Read: Uninvited Guests

Time for a little autumn cleaning perhaps The shift in the weather caught me off guard this week. We went from AC on to “hmmm, might need a light jacket” in what seemed like minutes. Very welcome though, especially if that was the end of the humidity. Found this fine fellow in my office today. […]
The Monday Read: The Paradox of Aging

The better you get, the less time you have left I’m almost 50 (which seems completely unbelievable to me), and I recently started training jiu-jitsu again somewhat regularly. I’m a mediocre blue belt in jiu-jitsu. I foolishly started at the age of forty, and got pretty into it before I knew what I was doing, […]
The Monday Read: Hospitalised

Japanese Health Care is Accessible at Least I’ve had a bit more experience with the health care system in Japan than I would like, mainly due to my taking up jiu-jitsu at the unwise age of 40. It’s not perfect. There seem to be a lot of doctors who aren’t quite as good as you […]
The Monday Read: Momentum

Even better than compound interest? In personal finance, everyone is (understandably) obsessed with compound interest. Eighth wonder of the world, and all that. But I find momentum might be even more important. I’m just starting to get my life back in order after a slightly chaotic and unproductive July and August, and I’m rediscovering the […]
Japan Pension (nenkin) Update 2024

I must be the only person in Japan who gets excited about receiving their annual nenkin statement. I got home last night and was thrilled to see that it had arrived. The Nenkin Teikibin Everyone paying into nenkin should receive an annual update, called nenkin teikibin (ねんきん定期便). This will either arrive by post, usually in […]
The Monday Read: Jet Lag

Living life at the wrong speed For much of last week I felt kind of dislocated, like I was living life at the wrong speed. It wasn’t pleasant. Almost felt kind of depressed, which is not a state I enjoy. A lot of it was jet lag. Some of it was coming back to work, […]