2022 Roundup

All in one place Once again there will only be one roundup post this year. Here is the 2021 post if you want to see what that year looked like. 2022 was… really quite different It was a year of massive change, much of it positive. On a personal level: my university job contract finished, […]
The Monday Read: Chilled Xmas

Hope everyone is doing okay out there! Loads of snow on the Sea of Japan side of the country, thankfully over here on the Pacific side we’ve got sunny skies (albeit with a nasty wind). Had a very chilled Christmas this year, dinner went off without a hitch and we watched Klaus on Netflix with […]
Progress Report 2022

The Progress Continues This year once again I am publishing my personal progress report post. You can see last year’s post here. I find it useful to go over my accounts and think about them, and hope this will help you see how you can invest over time here in Japan. We’re going to cover […]
The Monday Read: Xmas 2022

Honestly cannot believe we are less than a week from Christmas. Like, where did the last (three) year(s) go? Fortunately we agreed not to do presents for the adults this year, which takes an enormous amount of pressure off. I’ll be doing my Xmas shopping tomorrow for the grandkids. My turkey is due to arrive […]
The new eternal NISA

Christmas came early this year The outline of the new new NISA accounts, long rumoured and leaked, were announced this week. The FSA official page has not been updated at this point, but the broad picture is clear with just a few details yet to be confirmed. The changes are great and address pretty much […]
The Monday Read: Contentment?

I had to cover for one of our teachers this week. In one way that was a huge pain, as I had a bunch of work I was planning to do (including coaching sessions I had to reschedule), but it was also nice to teach again. Seems I’m actually not bad at it, and I […]
The Monday Read: Road Trip

We took a trip to Hokuriku this week. Drove down to Toyama, stayed in a hotel we like, ate at a small French restaurant we stumbled upon a few years ago when it first opened, visited my wife’s aunt’s grave, spent a couple of nights in Kanazawa, and visited the Fukui dinosaur museum (that’s where […]
The Monday Read: Taking Stock

It is almost December! Unbelievable. I’m really looking forward to my annual review this year (been doing annual plans and reviews since 2013) and next year’s plan. Hope you are doing well too! RetireJapan TV Last Monday we finally launched our secret livestream project: RetireJapan TV. We didn’t tell anyone because we weren’t sure if […]
The Monday Read: Rainy November Morning

My granddaughter is going on her (delayed) overnight field trip today, so of course it was cold and raining when I dropped her off at school at 6:45 this morning. Feels like winter in the UK, not something I enjoy! YouTube Thank you for your support of the RetireJapan YouTube channel. I started the Part-time […]
Coaching Update
Just a quick note about coaching: I will be increasing the price of coaching sessions from January. If you have been thinking about booking a session, and would like to lock in the current price, make sure you book by December 31st using the link on this page (sessions can be booked up to four […]