Japan Pension Update 2020

I found my 年金定期便! Another year, another pension update. Nothing new, just some new numbers and a chance for people who haven’t really thought about their nenkin before to make sure they understand it. You can see the Pension Update 2017 here (this post explains a lot of the format etc.), the Pension Update 2018 here, and the Pension […]
The Monday Read

Winter is Coming Sadly the too-warm days of mid-November seem to be giving way to the seasonally-appropriate colder days of late November. It was nice while it lasted. I’ve been enjoying Twitter snark about government policies here. The suggestion of ‘Go To ドクター’ was a good one, as was the Rising Wasabi’s ‘Go Back’ campaign. […]
The Monday Read

Labor Thanksgiving Day edition Hope you are either enjoying a nice day off or doing some great work 😉 It is still worryingly pleasant for this time of year, but I hear cold weather is coming soon. Hopefully we’ll have some snow this year after the extremely disappointing season last year. The forum is still […]
The Monday Read

Weirdly warm weather Pretty sure it’s not supposed to be 20-some degrees in mid-November, but I’m not complaining! The forum was pretty active this week too. Click on the image to go straight there ^-^ This week’s links Old video (2016) from Mr Money Mustache about how and why to retire early: https://youtu.be/8-Li_sFNc4Q This is […]
The Monday Read

Social Media Edition RetireJapan has an Instagram account, and I’m trying to be a bit more active over there, so if you are into that kind of thing please consider giving us a follow and a signal boost. This week’s links Seems pretty tawdry: Greg Kelly’s prosecutors have painted themselves into a corner I love […]
The Monday Read

Happy Halloween edition I got my Transferwise card this week (not sure when I’ll actually get a chance to use it) but not much else to report. Here are new posts on the forum this week: It’s been pretty active recently. Nice to see 🙂 This week’s links Well, this seems completely unworkable: Japan plan […]
The Monday Read

Dude, where’s my pension? edition I just realised I don’t remember getting my nenkin teikibin this year. The pension update should arrive by postcard around your birthday every year. If you are not receiving them, best to contact the pension office and make sure your details are correct. Logging into the nenkin website I see […]
The Monday Read

Goddamn hayfever edition It’s not like I needed 2020 to be any more upleasant, but something in the air has been trying to kill me since Friday, and I am losing the will to live. How come these things always happen just as the weekend is starting, so you can’t seek medical help until several […]
The Monday Read

November temperatures edition My wife put the AC onto ‘heat’ the other day. Which is only about a week since it was last on ‘cool’. Is it too much to ask that the temperature be pleasant for a couple of weeks? A bit of a weird mix for you this week: This week’s links I […]
Rakuten NISA Rollover

Some minor changes this year When I logged into Rakuten Securities the other day I saw a notification that they were starting the rolloever procedures for this year (investments made in the 2016 regular NISA). As usual, we need to decide whether to move assets to a taxable account or roll them over into the […]