The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Happy New Year edition Well, that’s the end of 2019 (and the decade, depending on how you measure it). Hope it was a good one for you 🙂 Our next blog post will be planning 2020: hope you’ll join us for the ride. This week’s links New blog post by Tim Ferriss (he mostly does […]

2019 Roundup

All in one place We’re going to continue this year’s trend of writing single, longer posts instead of multiple ones in this year’s roundup. Only having written one post per week instead of the multiple ones of past years is going to make that easier too 🙂 So what was 2019 like for RetireJapan? We’re […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Christmas dinner edition Was putting this post together while cooking Christmas dinner this week. Not sure the multi-tasking helped either of those, but the dinner was one of the best I have ever done, and I’ll let you be the judge of how this post comes out 🙂 This week’s links Very interesting salary information: […]

Progress Report 2019

The Mega-Progress This year we are combining all the progress report posts into one huge long report. Previously we had a separate post for each one, but I think it might be more readable (or skippable!) as one big long post. We’re going to cover the following areas in order: iDeCo Progress NISA Progress Mortgage […]

The Monday Read

The Monday Read from RetireJapan

Welcome to the Jungle edition Sorry, I’ve been listening to lots of Guns N’ Roses this week 🙂 This week we’ll do the last blog post of the year: our annual roundup post. Otanoshimi! This week’s links I am really enjoying the photography on this blog: Hmmm: Japan’s banks charging more fees to cover […]

Nenkin Case Study

Passbooks for the Japan kokumin nenkin pension.

Getting close to retirement A short, practical post for you today. A reader has kindly shared their nenkin statement with me and given me permission to put it on the blog. This person is closer to retirement than I am, so this gives us a more developed snapshot than my annual pension updates. In section […]

The Monday Read

Advent Calendar Edition We’ll be doing the annual progress reports again this year, and instead of breaking them into multiple posts we’ll just do one long one including all the information. Let me know what you think of the new format! In other news it seems like the government is going to extend ordinary NISA […]

Guest Post: Saku’s Random Book Club

Books and entrepreneurship? Pushing all my buttons. Another guest post for you today -what is this? Christmas already? I love books and reading, am interested in random business ideas and making money, and have been a fan of Patrick’s newsletter for a while. When I saw his new subscription service idea I thought it would […]

The Monday Read

Bonenkai season edition Too soon? Had to book a bonenkai the other day, so that is it, the year is officially over. I did our end of year financial spreadsheet the other day. To my surprise, our family net worth seems to have gone up by more than twice my annual salary over the last […]

Guest Post: Trading Japanese Stocks

Not so Talked About Investment Options I Tried (Part Two) Today’s guest post is the second one from Leonard Loo, an entrepreneur and author based in Japan. He sent me an email a few weeks ago asking about whether he could sponsor a post on the site about his new book. As you know, RetireJapan […]