My best solution The incredible Aeropress Coffee is my sole guilty pleasure. I don’t smoke, don’t drink much, but I absolutely need to have my 3-4 cups of extremely strong coffee every day. For the last few years I have had my coffee ritual down pat. I buy coffee beans in bulk, grind them myself […]
The Monday Read

December? Really? We’re coming into the final straight of 2018. I find it really helpful to spend the winter break reflecting on the past year and thinking about the next one. Some of that will be done here on the blog, as we run the various updates, reviews, and planning posts. Here are this week’s […]
iDeCo and Taxes

You have to pay the piper when the music stops We’ve had a few questions about iDeCo and taxes, so here’s a post summarising some of the main points. For most people who pay income tax, using an iDeCo account to invest is an excellent idea. There are several advantages: You pay into the account […]
The Monday Read

The end of November Eeek, it’s almost 2019. Where did the time go? Here are this week’s links: How are you deceiving yourself? House prices, mental accounting, and leaky buckets. Time to get your taxes in order? Japan’s tax agency gears up to pursue hoarded funds abroad. Woooah: Japan’s economy has a $5 trillion problem. I’m thinking of […]
How much money do I need to retire in Japan?

Planning for retirement in Japan? Find out how much you might need to save and learn about different income sources, including pensions and investments.
The Monday Read
Lots of links this week Thank you for all the comments, emails, and messages. They were a source of great comfort these last couple of weeks. Here are this week’s links: Reading from Collaborative Fund: What we’re reading Some really interesting visual data: Trends and time lapses We need more people like this in […]
2018 Cryptocurrency Update

Update means update This will be yet another post where I did something stupid so you don’t have to 🙂 Towards the end of last year I started buying cryptocurrency. I’ve been making regular monthly purchases since. This is how that looks: Ooops. I was originally planning to continue this a bit longer, but […]
The Monday Read

Stockholm Syndrome Just spent ten days in Stockholm in November. Pretty gloomy. Would recommend visiting in summer instead. Here are this week’s links: Career advice: SO YOU WANNA BE A CHEF — BY BOURDAIN This is a really interesting point: Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People The longer we wait, the […]
Things Happen
Best to be prepared My brother died last month. I’m in Stockholm now taking care of things. We had the funeral on Tuesday. Most of the family made it over, and many of his friends. I’m not really going to go into the details, but there are a couple of things that I think are […]
The Monday Read

Coming at you from a Swedish train (actually, the Swedish train managed to wipe my entire post just as I posted it leaving me with the soul-destroying task of spending another hour re-writing it) It seems as though last week’s Monday Read was post #500 on the blog, so Happy Anniversary to us. Only five […]