The good stuff from the middle of the year

After last week’s post highlighting the best of January to April, today we have… the best of May to August. Shocking, I know 🙂

By far my favorite posts from the mid-year are the Reader Profiles. They are exactly what this site is supposed to be about: a community of people sharing and encouraging each other. We had four profiles:

I would love to do more of these, so if you would be willing to talk about your situation here on the blog please get in touch by email or through the Contact form.

We also had a few posts on real estate, probably because I bought a manshon in June:

And a couple of posts about the pension situation in Japan:

And finally we had a whole bunch of random articles that might be worth another look:

Phew, that was quite a list. Stay tuned for next week, when we’ll go through the last four months of the year.

Which were your favourites?