My Number card health functionality

Something truly useful for My Number cards I haven’t been a fan of the My Number system, but since getting my card last year I have been slowly coming around. Last week I saw a sign in a hospital that may well accelerate the process and turn me into an advocate for My Number. It […]

Applying for a My Number Card Online

Whose number? Your number? The other day I applied for a plastic My Number card online. Despite all my reservations and blog posts about how much I dislike the system, I finally cracked. The final straw was the fact that the 通知票 are no longer valid if the address has changed since they were issued, […]

My Number Cards in 2021

Still not a fan, not sure I will be able to avoid for much longer We’ve written (a lot!) about the My Number system here on the site. Full disclosure: I still don’t like it, I don’t think it is well thought out, and I don’t trust the government to run it competently. Please see […]

My Number VII: The Renumbering

My number rabbit winking

Still don’t like it So I got an email from my employer the other day (well, from the kyosai office at work, to be exact) about My Number. I thought the government might have forgotten about it, but clearly they haven’t. In the email I received not one, not two, but three leaflets about how […]

What’s up with My Number?

Did the government forget about it? Or are they just waiting, to lull us into a false sense of security? I don’t like the My Number (personal identifier) system. I have written about it here, here, here, here, and here. You might even say I have a slight obsession with it. From what little I […]

My Number is Out There

And I can’t take it back As I wrote about in the post about my THEO account, I broke down and submitted my My Number to them. The reason I did this is that without it they would not have opened the account. I am still reluctant to use My Number if it can be […]

The Latest My Number

It never gets old… Playing with the mess ‘My Number’ makes of English grammar, that is. I am sure you are sick of reading my thoughts on it 😉 To recap, I am opposed to the My Number system in its current form for two reasons: I don’t believe the Japanese government is competent enough […]

My Number 3

Final number… Okay, this is the third and last post on the topic of the My Number (personal identification number) system . I am not a fan of the system as I currently understand it. The UK has a National Insurance number that is used for tax purposes, but doesn’t have photo ID cards with chips, […]

My Number 2

The numbering This is an eye-opening interview/discussion in English of the My Number system. Well worth an hour of your time. Some key points: 1. the My Number system is much much bigger than I thought it was. Think Big Brother on steroids2. the main purpose is to cut down on tax evasion and asset […]

My Number

… is 13. Where would Japan be without cute mascots that contrast horribly with the products or services they advertise? I received my My Number temporary card in the post the other day, so partly in order to get things straight in my own head I’ll be putting down some thoughts today. Unfortunately I am […]