Investing in Health: Home Gym

Making it easy to do the right thing (this is the latest in our ‘investing in health‘ series of blog posts) I’ve always struggled to maintain an exercise habit. Unlike saving or investing, it is not really possible to put it on autopilot. Over the years I have been a runner (was doing 30km practice […]

Investing in Health: Sleep and Screens

Clawing Back that last Inch We’re revisiting sleep in today’s post. You can see the previous Investing in Health posts here: Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Getting Fit at Forty, Update and BJJ. Last month I was very stressed. This spawned posts like Letting Go and left me pretty miserable. I also missed a bunch of RetireJapan […]

Investing in Health: Update and BJJ

​So far so good The largest morning class I have attended so far! Mostly it’s just 2-3 people.Pretty much every year for the last ten years or so, at some point during the year I have said something like ‘this year I really am going to get in shape’ and every year it hasn’t happened. […]

Investing in Health: Getting Fit at Forty

Making a Plan A perfect deadlift with 80% of her bodyweight on her first attemptEvery year I decide to get fit. I watch what I eat and do some exercise. This works for a couple of months, then I get derailed and somehow both the eating and the exercising revert to normal. Repeat every year. […]

Investing in Health: Stress

Better to bend than break The fourth installment in our investing in health series. We previously talked about diet, exercise, and sleep. Stress, (and its cousin, mental illness) has a wide variety of causes. Some of the time you can make improvements to your physical situation (diet, exercise, and sleep) and thus make things better. If in doubt, […]

Investing in Health: Sleep

More powerful than you can possibly imagine? The third installment in our investing in health series. We previously talked about diet and exercise. Today we are going to talk about a powerful factor that many people overlook: sleep. You may think sleep is important to keep alert, but it is possibly as if not more […]

Investing in Health: Exercise

The other half of the equation Last week we wrote about diet and food. Many readers rightly pointed out that exercise is also important, maybe even more important for health. Even if you eat right, if you don’t move your body you’ll find your energy levels falling, joints weakening, and strength and bone density shrinking. […]

Investing in Health: Diet

The most valuable investment of all? We tend to focus on money. Work harder, work more, earn more, save more, invest more. All well and good, but if you’re not careful you could end up financially independent in the hospital or the ground (and no longer financially independent if you’re in the hospital for too […]

The Monday Read: Health is wealth

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

An unpleasant reminder of mortality Somehow I have shingles AGAIN. I first had it about five years ago, and on Sunday last week noticed my face felt tight and slightly painful. Then on Monday the first sores appeared, and my wife suggested I might want to go to the dermatologist. On Tuesday morning my doctor […]

The Monday Read: Health as Number One Priority

RetireJapan Monday Read logo and illustrative photo of newspapers and coffee.

I’ve decided my main priority at the moment is health. Not work, not family, not hobbies, not friends, not (gasp!) money, but health. After all, a healthy man wants many things, but a sick man only one. I’m still aiming to lose another 9 kg or so, to reach 77 kg (and stay there!) by […]