GUEST POST: Easily filing your taxes in Japan as a freelancer or small business

Today’s guest post is for people who might need help filing their taxes: freelancers, small business owners, etc. Robert runs a service helping people learn to use software to do this easily and reduce the time and stress involved with filing taxes. Personally I also need to get better at this kind of thing, so […]

Guest Post: Getting solar panels in Japan in 2024

Solar panels on a roof in Japan.

Might be worth looking into This is not quite a full guest post, but rather is adapted from a post in the RetireJapan Forum. The author kindly agreed to let me run it on the blog as I found it very useful. For those of us in Tokyo there are still huge government subsidies for […]

Guest Post: Solar Panels in Japan in 2023

Photo of people installing solar panels in Japan.

I contacted three different providers and asked each for an estimate for a solar power generation system equipped with a storage battery. Two of them provided me with two sets of estimates (with and without), while another just gave one (with).

Guest Post: The Road Not Travelled

Leaving Japan to retire Today we have a new guest post from Mason Dixon, this time about retiring not in Japan. I am currently planning to stay in Japan indefinitely ,but it is always interesting to hear from people who are further along in the journey, and I am a big fan of learning from […]

Guest Post: Book Review

Investment as a Liberal Education: How to Join the Business Elite I’m very pleased to have a guest post today from a new contributor, Richard Brash. He’s a seminary professor in Nagoya, and has written the book Smart Serendipity: The Essential Mindset Shift for Time-Rich Living. Take it away, Richard! It’s not often that I […]

Guest Post: Offshore Investments

Buyer Beware Today we have a guest post from a RetireJapan reader, B. They have very kindly written up some details about an offshore insurance ‘investment’ they took out a few years ago. Long term readers will know that this kind of investment (and the ‘advisors’ that sell them) are the reason I started RetireJapan. […]

Guest Post: Accidental FIRE

There is hope for all of us I’m thrilled to have something positive to post today. I think we all need some encouragement after the first nine months of 2020! Stewart Dorward, a member of the RetireJapan community, very kindly wrote a post about his coming retirement. Huge congratulations are in order and hopefully there […]

Guest Post: Adoption in Japan

Some say it can’t be done, happily they are wrong I’m thrilled to bring you this wonderful guest post today on a really important topic. It’s of personal interest as my wife and I are considering doing this in the future, and it’s something that most people don’t know much about. I’m a huge fan […]

Guest Post – Housing Seminar

Everything you wanted to know about buying a home in Japan We have a real treat for you today: a guest post from Alan with his notes from attending a real estate seminar in Tokyo recently. I’m stunned at how comprehansive and useful it is. Huge thanks to Alan for taking the time to write […]